Because honey is sold by weight ounces and recipes call for fluid ounces, you’ll always need a bit more than you think. Here’s a handy chart to help with making sure you have enough honey for your next loaf of bread, batch of cookies or whatever else you’re whipping up.
Honey Container Size (weight ounces) |
8 oz | 12 oz | 16 oz | 24 oz | 32 oz | 40 oz | 48 oz |
Cups of Honey (fluid ounces) |
2/3 cup | 1 cup | 1 1/3 cup | 2 cup | 2 2/3 cup | 3 1/3 cup | 4 cup |
When measuring honey into a measuring cup, lightly coat the measuring cup with pan spray or heat the measuring cup with hot water. This allows honey to freely pour from the measuring cup and gives you an accurate measurement for your recipe.
Honey is sold by weight, not liquid volume, so 12 ounces of honey yields 1 cup. Be sure to read your recipe correctly to ensure accurate measuring.